Mar 292016

Most cases that accident and personal injury lawyers handle are very serious, where they have to deal with the well-being and safety of people who were hurt due to others’ negligence. But similar to other areas of the law, personal injury is also susceptible to truly weird cases that are hard to believe unless you hear them yourself. Counting down from 7 to 1, here are some of the most unusual personal injury cases in legal history:


  1. Missing Pants

Of course, you would find it inconvenient and annoying if your dry cleaner lost one of your garments. However, administrative law judge in Washington, D.C., Roy L. Pearson, Jr., took it a level further by suing for $54 million when his dry cleaner lost a pair of his trousers, claiming a failure of the company to live up to the “Satisfaction Guaranteed” sign displayed and the mental anguish he had. The case came to an end in favor of the dry-cleaning business owners after years of legal battle.


  1. Eating Rats

In 2005, a man in Ohio in 2005 thought NBC’s Fear Factor went too far when contestants were challenged to eat rats. This display caused him to become nauseous, throw up and made him dizzy as he tried to make his way out of the room. He claimed that NBC should pay $2.5 million for his suffering, but the case was thrown out.


  1. Befriending a Killer Whale

The word “killer” in a certain name should deter you from getting close to an individual, or in this occasion, an animal—a killer whale. However, not in this tragic case. A 27-year-old man in Florida went to great lengths to achieve his dream of swimming with this animal at Sea World. Having managed to hide from the establishment’s security at closing time, he entered the mammal’s tank, so you should know what comes next—he was killed by the whale. Then, his parents thought the park was responsible and sued it for their son’s death, ironically claiming that it should have displayed signs stating the killer whale’s killing capacity. However, the parents dropped the case not long after it was filed.


  1. Knife in a Sandwich

One man in New York had a very unpleasant dining experience at Subway when he found a serrated knife in his sandwich bread. Though he noticed it, preventing him to sustain any cuts from shard, he did still claim to get sick after eating part of the sandwich, which may have been contaminated, granting him to receive $20,000.


  1. Not the Weather As Expected

A woman in Israel actually sued a television station for stress and irreparable damage that resulted from an inaccurate weather forecast, which caused her to dress inappropriately and caught in the rain unexpectedly in light clothing, even making her sick, pay for medication and miss work. She won her $1000 from the legal battle.


  1. Stopping for Doughnuts

It is not always good to stop for doughnuts, especially when you are driving an ambulance to transport an injured boy to the hospital—well, one man did! Unsurprisingly, the boy’s mother filed a complaint leading to the driver’s termination.


  1. Enter at Your own Risk

When you enter an attraction that includes the word “horror”, then you should know what to expect. However, a 57-year-old woman visiting Halloween Horror Nights haunted house at Universal Studios claimed to have still feeling unreasonably frightened after the experience, stating that she resultantly suffered mental anguish and psychological trauma. Though these are legitimate injuries, they may have not been so legitimate in a case of someone opting to enter a haunted house, which means her case was dismissed.




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